How to convince the end slide of your PowerPoint presentation
"And to top it off..." preferably a presentation ending that bangs properly and lingers in the audience's minds! To create a lasting and sustainable impression the end of your presentation should stand out from the rest of the presentation. But what is the best way to end your presentation?
We'll give you 3 tips on how to make the end slide of your PowerPoint presentation definitely a highlight!
1. provocative statement as end of presentation
Listening to the end of a PowerPoint presentation classic mostly with the foil "Do you have any questions?" on.
How about designing your presentation ending so that your last slide contains an obviously exaggerated statement and leaves the audience:inside wondering?
It should be formulated in such a way that it can be optimally refuted or substantiated with facts from the lecture you have just heard, thus stimulating a discussion at the end. If your audience is not very much in the mood to talk, you can give a concrete direction through a short summary.
By making the question striking on the final slide of your PowerPoint presentation, it will once again grab the attention of your audience.
If you are unsure about the implementation, just ask our experts. They will be happy to come to you with a Offer towards you.
2. short quiz for sustainable learning
To create a entertaining and yet educational presentation ending you can have a look at Kahoot!
This is a platform that allows you to create quiz questions, for example, that can be answered by the audience via digital device. For example, you can quiz four main learnings of your presentation.
Attention: The questions should be of the Target audience of your presentation be formulated accordingly so that they are also understandable for all.
After creating the questions, you generate a code with which the "players" log in for your quiz. You should place this code together with the Internet address on the end slide of your PowerPoint presentation in a large and legible format. The most practical solution here is a QR code that attendees can easily scan from their seats with their cell phones. The person who clicks on the correct answer the fastest is the winner.
Thus, the incentive of the audience should also be given and you get a loose end to your PowerPoint presentation.
3. timeline as a guide
For a common thread in a presentation At best, you give your audience landmarks at which the end of the presentation can be foreseen. We probably all know those moments when you wonder how long this presentation is going to last. Therefore, it is a good idea to use the visual representation of a time lapse in your presentation to depict the individual stations. For example, instead of the classic outline within the presentation, a timeline could be displayed as an interlude showing the progress of the content. The end of the presentation is marked by reaching the last point on the timeline. In this way, the visual PowerPoint end will be the last slide and you will create a good conclusion thanks to this presentation end.
Finding a good yet crisp presentation ending can sometimes be quite a challenge. However, since the conclusion and thus the end slide of a PowerPoint presentation is especially memorized by the audience, it should be spot on.
So if you have to give a presentation again soon, feel free to try one of these tips from our i-pointing PowerPoint agency to make your presentation end stand out.
We wish you much success with the implementation!